Tag: PCI-DSS (Page 4 of 10)

PCI-DSS: Internal Audit Signoffs

After going through previously the nightmare of PCI-DSS Certificates, as described with considerable detail in our writeup previously, we are now faced with a new phenomenon called the Internal Audit Signoff, which is further confusing our clients.

OK, first of all, let’s do a brief recap.

How are 3 ways that PCI-DSS can be validated?

Answer :

  1. Full Report of Compliance (RoC) from QSA – Level 1 Service Providers, Level 1 Merchants
  2. Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) signed off by QSA/ISA – Level 2 Merchants, (Maybe) Level 2 Service Providers
  3. Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) signed off only by Merchant/Service provider – Level 3,4 Merchant, (Maybe) Level 2 Service providers

Those are the 3 endgames for PCI. And of course, the end scenario called Failure, or non-Compliance. But that isn’t cool, unless you are the type who is happy with Thanos snapping his fingers being the definite end to all things.

Now we all know item 1) requires the participation of a third party QSA/ISA to signoff on the Report of Compliance and the Attestation of Compliance. ISA here is internal security auditor. We won’t touch it this round, because this requires a whole new library of articles to discuss.

Item 2) likewise requires a third party QSA/ISA to signoff on the Self Assessment Questionnaire and the Attestation of Compliance.

Item 3) is basically, self signed – not a lot of acquirers take this seriously as basically, its anyone signing off anything they feel like. There is no validation, and sometimes, it’s akin to the CxO sticking a finger to the tongue and putting it up in the air and going, “Yeah, that feels ’bout right. Let’s sign off and say we have these controls!”

Let’s talk about item 1 and item 2.

In item 1, it’s a gimme that the QSA needs to go onsite to the locations to do an audit. I have never heard of any QSA signing off on a full RoC without actually going onsite. Maybe when our tech reaches a point where the QSA can be holographically present in a location and see what’s there without being physically there like a Jedi Force Ghost, that the PCI-SSC would accept the signoff. But by then, we could probably just tell PCI-SSC that these aren’t the companies they are looking for, and then there’s no need to do PCI.

Until then – the question is for item 2, for the QSA to signoff the SAQ, must they be onsite or they can provide a remote signoff?

Now if you ask a QSA what is the difference between 1) and 2), they would say, not much – except they don’t have to waste their time writing the tome called the Report of Compliance (ROC) for level 2. Level 2 is basically a judgement made by the QSA based on existing evidences that what is stated in the SAQ is true, or at least as much as they can have reasonable assurance on. The SAQ is not a document written by the QSA, although they can help, but in this case they are validating it. For Level 1, it’s a different story. They have to write the RoC and the work put into that reporting phase is surprisingly a lot. In comparison, it’s probably like reviewing a first term essay paper written by your senior students (SAQ Validation) versus writing the Silmarillion including the index (RoC).

However, for QSAs to conduct their audit and provide a fair opinion on the controls, they will still want to be onsite for option 2), much to the chagrin of many of my customers. Their argument here is: “Hey I am level 2, why must you come onsite??” And again, the crescendo grows that a Level 2 should have less things to worry about than Level 1 – another myth as old as us telling our children not to sleep with wet hair or else they will wake up with a storming headache.

To get to the bottom of this, we got directly from the horse’s mouth (in this case from Mastercard SDP program response: “In this scenario (describing item 2) the QSA has to be onsite. The QSA cannot simply review a RoC or SAQ without being at the location to validate that controls are actually in place.”

To be fair, the above discussion was applied to L2 Merchants (Level 2 Merchants) – those making more than 1 million volume card transactions per annum. Whether the QSA is willing to take the risk and perform an offsite review for a Level 3 or level 4, I wouldn’t know – that’s up to the QSA and the card brands I suppose. But to be absolutely safe, we would advice that all levels should be treated as such – if you need a QSA to signoff, that QSA needs to be onsite to get it done. Or use the Jedi Force Ghost. Both are acceptable to PCI-SSC I am pretty sure.

So, as an illustration, we had a request from a company, requesting us, for their location, to get the QSA to signoff remotely. Because “The Other QSA did it for us and certified us”. The other QSA meaning someone they engaged earlier.

OK – this certification term again. I am sure that did not happen – but many use the word certification for anything: actual RoC, doing the SAQ with QSA, signoff on SAQ by themselves, getting ASV scan etc…those are typical scenarios we see this certification word being thrown.

Digging further, we received a worksheet which was a typical ‘Scope’ document (you know, where they ask what sort of merchant you are, what business, how many locations, devices, whether you store card etc), and the instruction was to fill this up, send it over to the QSA and the QSA will ‘sign off’ their PCI-DSS compliance, all within 2 weeks.

QSA certified within 2 weeks, remotely, and with just the scope document, without validating any controls? No penetration testing or ASV? No Risk assessment? No review of information security policy? How?

We asked for the copy of the official signoff page (Section 3c of the AoC) but instead we got a signoff on a report from QSA stating what was scoped in and what was scoped out of PCI-DSS. A typical scope document. It’s a useful document, but it’s not a document required by the PCI SSC. In fact it doesn’t serve any purpose other than to simply state what is in scope for PCI-DSS based on the scope questionnaire (not the SAQ) provided by the QSA.

I am 100% sure the QSA meant well by this, but the problem was, there are interpretation issues. We cannot expect clients to right off the bat understand PCI-DSS and all it’s seemingly malarkey documents – the AoC, the RoC, the 9 different SAQs, the ASV scans, the partridge in the pear tree etc. So when we asked for a SAQ signed off by QSA, of course, clients will fall back to any document being signed off by QSAs. That’s why we are not big fans of the practice where clients are provided by ASV certificates just because they passed their ASV scans. They all think they are PCI certified because they have a QSA signed off document which is the ASV ‘certificate’! And the same here goes, this is simply a scope review document – almost like an internal audit report, that does not make a company PCI compliant. In fact, it is just confirming that the company MUST be PCI compliant according to the scope set.

So the moral of this story is: Not all QSA-signed off documents are valid documents for PCI-DSS. ASV scans, while valid, doesn’t make you PCI compliant. It’s only a small percentage of what you must do. Internal Audits or scope reviews like the one we saw, even signed off by the QSA, are not valid PCI-DSS documents. They do not make you PCI compliant. As PCI has explicitly stated before, the only valid PCI-SSC documentation are the AoC, SAQ, RoC and ASV scan reports (not certificates, with flowery borders and impressive cursive fonts in gold). Anything else are supplementary materials used to support the compliance, not to validate it.

For more clarity on PCI, drop us an email at pcidss@pkfmalaysia.com. We will try to sort any issues you have, and yes, we are the company you are looking for.

PCI-DSS and the problem of Email

When we first started with PCI-DSS many years ago, most of our clients were service providers – payment gateways, financial institutions, and two banks. They had their challenges – in some cases, their scope were containable (payment gateways) due to the limitation of locations – and in the bank’s cases, at least they understood the massive headaches they faced in getting their entire environment compliant (with ATMs etc all in scope).

We saw a shift over to service providers OF service providers – hosting companies, Data Centers, BPO, outsourced call centers etc. Their challenges were somewhat different – call centers especially, because of their central hub of connectivity – their telephony system, and another big problem: Email. Email issues in PCI are longstanding and absolutely difficult to resolve – and it reaches to most businesses – travel agencies, hospitality, healthcare, insurance and so on .

When email first came out in the late 60s and early 70s, I can almost imagine how excited the users were. I wasn’t born then. But I recall back in the Uni days, early days when IRC/ICQ first came out, the level of excitement we had in communicating with an actual human being a thousand miles away INSTANTANEOUSLY was so mind numbingly out of this world. Back then, we spend countless hours in the school lab, playing these text based dungeons and dragons online called Multi-User Dungeons or MUDs for short, and completely almost failing all our subjects in the process. But the excitement was there: communication.

In that sense, email is almost half a century old and is still going strong. Primary communications are still through email, for business and personal communications. Email was never built to be secure. In fact, like the wonderfully robust (but now phasing out) SMS, when it was first used, no one imagined it would become the backbone of world communication as it is today. Nobody decided back then: hey, let’s prioritise security! Hey, let’s ensure that nobody can tap into this email of ours and see our messages! Email was like the conversation in the bar. Anyone could be standing around you, or sitting next to you and listening in to your conversation — and it was ok.

Until now, it isn’t.

Well, at least from PCI-DSS perspective.

“Never send unprotected PANs by end-user messaging technologies (for example, e-mail, instant messaging, SMS, chat, etc.” – Requirement 4.2 (PCI v3.2)

Unfortunately, a lot of business utilises email as the primary channel for PCI information. Hotels we deal with, travel agencies we have worked with – call centers etc – email is sent with card data because of the convenience and the efficiency of the whole process. When we enter these environments and suggest them to look for alternatives to e-mail, we invariably face a force so strong, it’s like hitting the stone wall of Helm’s Deep: Business.

Try as we might, we often end up talking about how we can use email AND pass PCI-DSS.

Now, it’s not impossible. But by the time we are done, we are basically looking at something so extraordinarily difficult or so expensive we invariably end up taking the path of least resistance (and least cost).

But how would you have EMAIL AND PCI-DSS?

First of all, we need to understand that like water, email exist in many forms. Or rather many locations.

First of all, it’s on the endpoints. This is where the email containing card data is sent and received. So, you have data at rest. All endpoints, whether agents or cashiers, or call center workstations are in scope as CDE (card data environment). All endpoints need to have their data encrypted. You could opt for a full disk encryption, folder encryption or simply data encryption: either way, your key needs to be managed appropriately as well. If you allow devices like iPads or phones to access, you are in a world of hurt, because basically it becomes impossible to secure these devices.

The second form is in transmission. Because email isn’t point to point, it hops through multiple relays, and multiple routing points to get to where it needs to be. At any point of the journey, your email could be sniffed, or leaked. Thankfully, many email services like Office 365 is able to encrypt TLS1.2 on transmission. Obviously this helps a lot – but that’s still only on transmission.

The third form is on the interim server(s) – mail servers, relays or anything else in between before the message ends up in the recipient’s mail boxes. Whether you are running your own mailserver or using a separate provider’s, the challenge is the same. How do you ensure that the messages at rest, be it temporary or permanent, are protected?

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) has been often offered as a solution by kindly QSAs to assist in this matter. The problem with PGP is numerous. One, it’s very old. And more importantly, it’s very difficult to use. To make it easier, some email clients had tried to simplify it, but in doing so may render it vulnerable to attacks (see the recent EFAIL attacks here: https://efail.de/). And what if we don’t send over our public key? Or forget to encrypt the communication? At best, it’s similar to the problem that QSAs have with the manual muting int telephony systems. In theory, it might work (if vulnerabilities are removed, and if users use text-based only encrypted messages), but practically is a different story. Even before the recent researches to PGP’s vulnerabilities, everyone basically knows that PGP doesn’t encrypt meta-data (the information needed to route email) – so subject lines etc are all visible. It may not look like much, but a resourceful hacker will find these information gold.

If PGP is not used – how about some of the recommended secure messaging systems like Signal or Telegram? The problem is that these are not email technologies and these have issues of their own. How do you filter out Signal? If you do receive Signal/Telegram messages on your phone, it brings your devices all in scope. How do you run a PANScan on your phone? How do you secure every phone device there as per PCI requirement?

So how do we use Email for PCI?

The only solution it seems now, is to have a PCI-DSS service provider for Email and to use them. As we don’t represent any service provider, we won’t list them down here, but a simple google search will give you some alternatives. Be aware though, to go through their AoC and ensure that their email service is fully certified. It may be likely as well for the QSA to request more information on the encryption and key management as well, as to whether keys are managed by clients on (likely, such as in the case of cloud services), managed by the provider, or they can provide a client-managed key cloud solution.

That’s only half the solution (if that manages to pass). The second problem you have is to limit the endpoints accessing the PCI compliant service as these are considered CDE. Now remember, everything connecting to the CDE becomes PCI scope. So for the rest of the organisation using email for other purposes or needing email on their phone etc (let’s call this corporate email, vs the secure email for PCI) – the corporate email needs to be segregated from the secure email. This means separate solution. This means separate emails for corporate and secure – in most cases, meaning separate email addresses. While theoretically you can split email through subdomains, the main domain still needs to accept the initial email before forwarding – so for instance if you want to have pcidss@mycompany.com come to your specific secure email provider, unfortunately, it will still hit the MX record (Mail Exchange) of mycompany.com, which means your corporate email gets into scope. It’s an endgame there. Once corporate email is in scope, it’s over. Everything else becomes impossible to be compliant.

So you need to have mycompany2.com for secure email. It doesn’t seem too difficult and it might be possible – but let’s say you have 10,000 agents or clients or service providers in the field – how do you re-educate an entire workforce to get them to resend? Remember, you can’t incrementally ‘migrate’ – i.e continually use the old email and then forward it over to the secure email – you need to completely move over to the new email service and shut down processing card on the old email. This means a lot of lost business, a lot of customer experience issues, a lot of complaints – all adding up to business issues.

After that, isolating receiving end points becomes an issue as well. All endpoints come in scope so depending on your business, this could be a secure room with only a few systems, or a distributed nightmare if you have 200 branches or outlets receiving these emails. This isolated segment is CDE, so anything it touches becomes NON-CDE in scope. Yes. It’s a nightmare. Any shared services will be pulled into non-CDE but in scope. If you want them to also use their corporate email, corporate email comes in scope. All endpoints subjected to full PCI controls. On top of that, most QSAs will likely require additional controls like data loss prevention to be present in the gateway or endpoints if let’s say the CDE systems are hooking on to another potential channel to send email (like the corporate email). Key management also comes in play for the full-disk, folder encryption at rest in the endpoints.

Overall, the massiveness of using email for PCI is difficult. I think the whole point that business wants to use email for PCI data is either the ease of use, or not changing the current way of doing business. Both are not on the cards – even if email is continually being used, the ease of use is no longer there for PCI. Also, the customer experience and frustration could be ten times worse that searching for another solution like secure repository or customer portal, or tokenisation or something. The amount of complaints foreseen in implementing new procedures, new techniques, new solutions etc – these are not just operational security nightmare, it’s a business nightmare. Plus your entire business becomes hinged on the service provider being PCI certified. What if they decided not be? Or they fail their next audit? Or they get acquired by a competitor?

If a business is willing to embark on the complexity of getting email in scope for PCI, a humble suggestion we have would be to look for alternate solutions and have them on the table as well. Because once everything is scrutinised and risk is assessed, then they would have the full picture of what they are dealing with.

For more information on PCI-DSS or any compliance or IT advisory, please drop us an email at avantedge@pkfmalaysia.com.

PCI-DSS – Merchant EDC and Scoping

Many merchants we meet often tells us this: They are not in scope because they only do EDC (electronic data capture) – or payment terminal – transactions and these belong to the bank. Therefore, the bank has to ensure these are compliant and merchants do not need PCI-DSS since they do not store credit card.

Upon this, it’s the prevailing myth that storing credit card information is what PCI-DSS is all about, and as long as we avoid this, we don’t need to be PCI.

While non-storage of credit card does reduce scope SIGNIFICANTLY, it’s not the only thing PCI is harping about. It’s pretty clear in the standard itself:

PCI DSS applies to all entities involved in payment card processing—including merchants, processors, acquirers, issuers, and service providers. PCI DSS also applies to all other entities that store, process, or transmit cardholder data and/or sensitive authentication data.

I don’t blame the merchants. They already have a hard enough time competing in a new digital landscape of virtual buyers and getting margins from their products – the last thing they need is a consultant coming in, brandishing some sort of standard called the PCi-DSS and the only thing that flashes through their minds is: How much is this sucker going to cost me, now ?

But it is what it is and we try to make our client’s (or in many cases, not even our clients, but anyone who calls us – and doesn’t even need to pay) life easier – and provide enough information for them to decide whether they need consultation, help or go it alone for PCI.

Yes – we technically consult them to potentially not consult with us.

But we believe in the long run, trust is something every consultants or advisors need to earn and it’s not something that comes with the territory. In fact, if I had a ringgit for every joke made about CON-SULTANS…we wouldn’t need to make any more new sales.

Anyway back to PCI. So the question to ask back the merchant is simply: “Great that you don’t store – but do you process card data?”

“No we don’t, the bank does it.”

“You don’t handle card data?”

“Handle? As in physically handle?”


“Of course (now somewhat flustered) – how do we get customer card if we don’t handle it?”

So in that sense – they answer their own question – if they are not there (handling the card), there is no transaction and no processing of card. Therefore, they are involved in the processing of card data. Does PCI apply? Yes, it does.

How does PCI apply?

Again, I am not going into the story of levels (how do be validated) vs controls (what to be validated) – already covered in previous posts on this, recently here .

But before our merchants get discouraged, most of their scope is very limited and in fact, I recommend them to try and go it alone.

Scenario 1

Their EDC connects directly to the bank through a dial up or cellular. No storage of card.O Only flow is to receive card, dip it, wave it and pass it back to the customer. That’s it.

Look at SAQ B. Last check, there are 41 questions. You don’t really have too much complexity in there, except to just ensure information security policy is there, physical security of the EDC is there etc. It’s not that difficult and really, most merchants should try to at least get these done.

Scenario 2

Their EDC connects to the bank via the merchant broadband.

This becomes trickier as this means the card data potentially passes through devices in the customer premise. This also includes when the branch locations sends credit card information back to the HQ and uses the HQ own internet set up to send to the acquirer. Another permutation here is that the acquirer would have their own equipment in the customer HQ where all branch data is consolidated to and sent.

The above scenario is more often found in very large Merchants.

In this case, the best bet we can go for is SAQ B-IP, with around 82 questions. Again, card data cannot be stored (full 16/15 PAN) or Sensitive Authentication data like CVV or track or PIN cannot be stored. In this case, PCI can still accept SAQ B-IP but most of the interim systems will be in scope for SAQ B-IP controls.

The trick here is really the SAQ B-IP requirement:

“The standalone IP-connected POI devices are not connected to any other systems within the merchant environment (this can be achieved via network segmentation to isolate POI devices from other systems);”

This is not as easy as it sounds as many environments still have their EDC all in a flat network as any other systems, and part of the requirement will need these EDCs to be properly segmented out to avoid pulling in the entire corporate into scope. This becomes complicated further if EDCs connect via wireless.

Another thing to be aware of is that you probably need a letter or confirmation from the acquirer that the entire card flow is encrypted end to end – meaning from the EDC all the way to acquirer environment, rendering the merchant environment as simply a transition point. Think of a road, being used by an armored truck that the merchant has no access to, as they do not have access to the encryption keys.

Other than that, depending on the number of segments you have – segmentation penetration testing is probably another headache you need to look at. However, this can be done via sampling, so consult with either the QSA or PCI expert for an idea of what an acceptable sampling is. Due to the risk being rather low, the challenge here is just to ensure that all setup is standardised across stores.

Your EDC shouldn’t be relying on your POS machine to send card data or process. The POS should only be passing transactional information and any information obtained from the EDC should be truncated PAN (if necessary) or only transaction information.

There you go.

With these, you can probably navigate through the initial headache of PCI for your merchant environment! Let us know at pcidss@pkfmalaysia.com if you have further questions! Since we sometimes consult you not to consult us, it would definitely be an interesting discussion!

FAQ on SAQs Once Again

Over the past few months, we have been absolutely busy with a fair amount of work. One of the things that we  have seen an uptick are merchants coming to us requesting PCI compliance. We have had some small ones, big ones and mega huge companies coming to us, but the trajectory discussion is always the same:

a) Bank wants us to do PCI

b) Bank says we are Level 2 Merchant because they say we store card data

c) Can you audit and certify us ?

I don’t blame them actually because their core isn’t PCI. Heck, most of them aren’t even into payment systems! Unlike service providers where they have a fair bit of knowledge of how payment via credit card functions, most merchants are basically: OK, give us the EDC and let’s make some money. Or set me up on my e-commerce and let’s get it done.

The Banks are obviously not helping by giving half-baked information on PCI-DSS. And PCI-SSC isn’t helping by making PCI so….confounding to the lay person.

So, here are some basic FAQs on SAQs (Self Assessment Questionnaire)

a) What Level Merchant are we?

This depends on your volume of card data being processed. Many assume that it’s more than 6 million volume (not value) transactions a year that puts you to Level 1, but actually this is defined by individual card brands. That 6 million is more popular because that’s what Visa and Mastercard go by. Amex goes by different volumes. A nice chart here can get us started:

b) Wait. We were told to be level 2 because we store credit card.

That unfortunately is not that accurate. Type of levels are defined by your volume transactions. This determines HOW you get PCI – either by a 3rd party ROC audit (level 1), a 3rd party validation on your SAQ (Level 2), or self signed SAQ (Level 3 and 4).

Whether you store credit card or not, that has nothing to do with your credit card volume. Remember – for PCI, as long as you store, process and transmit credit card, you get hit with compliance.

c) So if we are just transmitting credit card in high volume, we could be considered level 1 or 2 without STORAGE?

Yes, of course. It’s highly possible that you do not store credit card but trillions of card data flow through you, then yes, technically you would be level 1. You don’t store, which is good, but you have high volume, which determines your level, and that determines how you get PCI (either audited by 3rd party of self signed in SAQ)

d) But what if I have LOW volume but store credit card? Don’t I get bumped up into level 2 or level 1?

In theory, no. If you have low volume, then your level could be 3 (for e-commerce) or 4. Then once your level is determined and you know how to validate PCI, you need to decide what to validate to. That’s where the different types of SAQ come in. If you store credit card, you immediately have to use SAQ D, which is tough and have 340++ questions to whet your appetite over. If you do not store, then you need to understand which SAQ (there are 9 types) to apply – it could be A (which has the least questions) or C-VT (which has more, but less than SAQ D) etc. An example for A would be an e-commerce entity fully outsourcing all payment processes and pages to a PCI compliant provider.

e) So you are saying, I could be a level 1 merchant doing SAQ A because I fully outsource my payment? What do I need to do then?

If you are level 1, SAQ is out of the window. You need to get a QSA in to do a full Report on Compliance. But you can use SAQ A as an internal guideline to prepare for the audit of course, because basically the auditor will be utilising those controls if they determine that you are truly SAQ A.

f) What do you mean by “Truly SAQ A”?

In the auditing world, we can’t take your word that you are really saying what you are. It’s not that you are dishonest, it might be that there are processes you are not aware of that might for instance cause you to store data and that makes you ineligible for SAQ A. Just sayin’.

g) So basically, I can go and tell my bank they are wrong to force me to be Level 1 or 2 just because I store credit card?

Yes and No. Because those level volumes are guidelines. At the end, its the bank that’s taking a risk at you so they get the final say of what levels you need to eventually be.

h) So what’s the POINT?! 

The point is that a lot of banks have no idea on this, so they dump you into SAQ D even when your volume doesn’t add up. Or they think that you are Level 1 or 2 just because you store credit card. Both are disadvantageous to you because you end up doing more than what PCI requires. The point here is for you to head back to the bank with this information and confirm with them if they are aware of these requirement and that they are purely requiring you to go through MORE than what is required by PCI just based on their internal risk assessment of your business.

i) At the end, we are still at the same place. The Bank is telling us what to do.

Yes, but you can now reason with them further. Because if they are the only bank asking for this, merchants might look for other banks to be their acquirer. It’s business. So, at least now you know!

j) So can we go through all the SAQ types now with you?

Not really because this article is too long and I have lunch to go to. Next time maybe! Have a great 2019!

The Service Provider Challenge for PCI

While it’s very tempting as consultants to just sometimes approach a customer requiring PCI-DSS and after identifying all their service providers, declare: “I need all your service providers to also be PCI-DSS compliant and certified!”, the truth of the matter here is, that you don’t need to. As in you (undergoing PCI) do not need to have all your service providers compliant and it will not affect your own compliance.

PCI SSC made it very clear with the publication found in their Third Party Assurance supplementary document. 

If you have time, it’s a very good read.

Service provider compliance comes in requirement 12.8. As per document:


When engaging with a service provider, the PCI DSS compliance must be verified with one of the following methods:

  • For providers that have undergone their own PCI DSS assessment: request and review the Attestation of compliance, scope, date
  • For providers that have not undergone their own PCI DSS assessment: include the provider’s environment as part of the entity PCI DSS assessment (increase your own assessment scope). You may need to request your own QSA to perform the provider’s review.

For the second part, it’s of course, a bit tough, seeing that you are actually paying a QSA to perform an audit for someone else, when you would think they should be paying for it.

Basically, we do need to ensure that PCI DSS clauses are present in all contracts, especially for ensuring compliance maintenance, liability, right to audit, and right to terminate in case of non-compliance to PCI-DSS. This might be a good time to call your contracts personnel and start drawing up another one. (Address 12.8.2)

It’s 12.8.4 that stuffs us up: Maintain a program to monitor service providers’ PCI DSS compliance status at least annually. This generally means, it has to be either a level 1 or SAQ verification of the service provider.

The document above actually provides a guidance for different scenarios in section 6.2: Other Considerations. It’s certainly worth the read. We have a scenario where the service provider is compliant but refuses to provide information. In 6.2.2 we also have a scenario very relevant to many: Third-party Service Provider has not Validated PCI DSS Compliance.

This is quite troublesome, but unfortunately, this is much more common than you think. A lot of providers don’t even have a clue what PCI-DSS is all about.

So if you do end up with a provider without any PCI but its too difficult to change, there is still a way out:

  • “If the TPSP (Third Party Service Provider) has not yet completed PCI DSS compliance, ask for a detailed plan with deadlines for finalizing the PCI DSS compliance process; make sure the TPSP provides status checks on a regular frequency until it achieves PCI DSS compliance.”

It really doesn’t sound that great to be honest. It’s like babysitting a misbehaving child and you just want to get it over with and have other things to do later that night but this kid is just not wanting to sleep and you feel like getting some cough syrup to mix into his milk…that sort of feeling, not that we have any first hand experience on that kind of inhumane stuff. Pftt. Of course not. We all have perfect children.

But for these service providers, you do find yourself wondering if you ended up with the short end of the stick.Extract below:

  • “If an agreement exists between the entity and the TPSP, the entity may consider an examination of the contract or agreement with the TPSP to determine which party is responsible for mitigating the non-compliant data or process.
    • Consider whether the non-compliant service or process is essential and the impact of stopping it as soon as possible until a solution can be developed.”
    • For business-critical issues, the entity and TPSP should work together to determine who will be accountable for the cost and responsibility for correcting the issue, if necessary. Discuss with legal counsel to ensure the entity or the TPSP and any nested TPSP use appropriate agreement/contract change provisions or clauses to negotiate a fair and reasonable timeframe to remediate the non-compliance issue.
    • Discuss with the TPSP and agree on introducing compensating controls as soon as possible that mitigate the risk of continuing with the non-compliant process or data exchange—while work continues on its remediation.
    • Prepare a remediation plan that can be provided to the entity or the TPSP in a form that can be used as evidence (e.g., Compensating Controls Worksheet) to provide a QSA if a PCI DSS compliance review is due within the remediation timeframe.
    • Ensure any nested TPSPs meet the agreed obligations with regard to remediating the non-compliant issue and keeps the TPSPs informed of progress.”

That’s a lot of stuff. “Nested” TPSPs in the last point doesn’t mean they have the same nest, it simply means that if there are dependence on remediation of this TPSP (i.e the TPSP of the TPSP), these guys also need to understand they are pulled into scope. It’s very headache.

In conclusion, it’s probably better to start looking out for TPSPs who are already compliant or who understands their PCI compliance obligations, and for those who refuse to put in their effort on this compliance, well, be prepared to get left behind. Because once one or two of the same industry TPSP gets compliant, it will no longer be the norm to be NON-COMPLIANT and this TPSP will stand to lose out customers in the future.

For information on how to handle your PCI-DSS requirements, please drop us an email at pcidss@pkfmalaysia.com and we will get right back to you ASAP!

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