I was invited to attend the 2013 ASEAN Financial Institution Conference in Hanoi as one of the speakers. My presentation (done in a video scribing mode) was on “Navigating the PCI-DSS Journey”. It was a topic close to heart of course, with many of our clients either undergoing PCI-DSS or starting the PCI DSS journey.
Overall, it was a great experience. I went with my Project Management Director, CB Chan, and met up with our PKF colleagues in Vietnam, who also joined us in the conference. We managed to not just meet with other technology partners and conference speakers, but also representatives from other banks in Vietnam.
As always, networking is vital for the survival of our business. The experience itself was an added bonus as Hanoi was a bustling city packed with motorbikes and people.
Possibly not the most photogenic people (we are technologists and accountants after all, not models) but we’re still proud of our little space for consultation and advisory.
Aside from those listed, where PKF is proudly the only consultation and advisory firm, Cybersecurity and MDEC were also represented from the Malaysian contingent.
Other mugshots we had: