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PCI-DSS Evidences: Your Type of Compliance


Since our last post, we have received some queries on how do we get PCI-DSS started. A majority of our clients are doing Level 1 Certification – this is where we come in and do a gap assessment, determine scope and then remediate and certify. However, lately we have been seeing more and more clients looking to do PCI-DSS on their own.

The question is: Can they?

Well – as with many questions for PCI-DSS, the answer is: it depends.

You see, the journey to PCI-DSS is different for different companies. Some need to go through the whole road. Some goes through just a little. Some need a third party to audit, some can do their own assessment…so while the standard is ONE, the ways to achieve it is MANY.

Now, enough of the philosophical babbling. Simply put: if you are doing PCI-DSS, you simply have 3 available options:

a) Third Party Certification

b) Validated Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)

c) Self Signed Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)

That’s it. You will fall into one of these buckets. If you fall under b) or c), you will then further have to wade through the types of SAQs: A, A-EP, B, B-IP, C, C-VT, D-SP, D-Mer, P2PE. Yes. They have a lot. But in general, your consultant or QSA should be able to tell you which one is right for your business.

Now back to the buckets. What’s a third party? No, it’s not literally a third party that you go to after your graduation and you are getting smashed. In audit terms, there are 3 kinds of audit – first party which is where internal auditors of the company audit themselves. Second Party which is where an external company with ties to the auditee company audits the auditee company – for whatever reason. It could be a supplier audit, it could be a due diligence audit before takeover, it could be a regulator auditing its regulatee etc. Finally a third party is a completely independent organisation auditing the company.

So the first bucket is a third party certification. This is where an external company called a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) assesses your company and provide a Report on Compliance. This is where they will ask you to do a gap assessment, assist you through the ‘remediation’ period, and do the certification. What a lot of people don’t know is that actually, Merchant Level 1 also has an option to do a first party audit. This means they need an ISA (Internal Security Assessor) in their organisation who is able to sign off on the ROC. Of course, getting an ISA certified is another story, and in most cases, many just take the QSA route.

The second bucket is a Validated SAQ. This will not apply to Level 1 Merchants or Level 1 Service providers, and this is available for Service Providers Level 2 or Merchants Level 2 and below. Basically this means that theoretically, you can complete the SAQ that is applicable to your company and sign off and you are ‘compliant’. This also means any Tom, Dick and Harry who thinks that a firewall constitute setting an actual office wall on fire, can sign off on 1.1.4 (a) which asks if a firewall is implemented in your company. Seriously though. That’s why Mastercard has this caveat:

“Effective 30 June 2012, Level 2 merchants that choose to complete an annual self-assessment questionnaire must ensure that staff engaged in the self-assessment attend PCI SSC ISA Training and pass the associated accreditation program annually in order to continue the option of self-assessment for compliance validation. Alternatively, Level 2 merchants may, at their own discretion, complete an annual onsite assessment conducted by a PCI SSC approved Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) rather than complete an annual self-assessment questionnaire.”

Many, including myself, find this caveat extremely frustrating. To cut the long story short, Mastercard is simply saying for all Level 2 merchants you have 2 routes:

a) Do the Level 1 route. Get a QSA

b) Do your SAQ, but get the staff ‘engaged in the self assessment’ to be ISA certified. Now the first confusion is staff engaged in self assessment does not mean everyone involved in the audit. It basically means the one doing the assessment in behalf of the organisation and signing off at the AoC (Attestation of Compliance) of the SAQ. Whew! But still, now you need to get an ISA. It’s not cheap! And it’s also, to me, a really silly certification, but one that makes total Sen$e to the PCI-SSC.

In theory, option b) above is correctly still called ‘Self Assessment’ as it is still a first party audit in that sense.

Now the last bucket therefore is the truest first party audit. This usually applies to only Level 3 or Level 4 merchant, but sometimes we still find this existing in Level 2 Service Provider. Where the management say, “Screw it, let me sign it off and I don’t need any other signature on this” and the bank, customer or card scheme accepts it.

So this is the first step of your compliance – find out your type. Because you could be overdoing it (Level 3 Merchant doing a ROC Certification) or you could be underdoing it (Level 1 Service Provider doing an SAQ D). If you overdo it, it’s fine from PCI-SSC perspective, but your boss/stakeholders/board/customers might not be too happy when you have spent half the company’s budget and 8 months on the PCI program doing a full Level 1 RoC on all the 340++ subrequirements – and the vacation trainee points out that you only have to do a self signed SAQ A which takes about 1 day to complete. If you under-do it, likewise, you might be in an awkward position to explain to someone that your SAQ D-SP is not enough to convince your acquirer to start connecting to them, as they need a QSA signed ROC.

So how do we know?

Well – the easiest is to really, ask the ones who are pushing you for PCI? If you get the answer : “Ah, just get compliant!”, then you have more leeway to understand your business, and you might be tempted to just go for the easy way out. Don’t! Assess your business – if you are a merchant, then follow the number of transactions to determine which level you are at. Easy remembering:= 6 million and above for level 1, 1 – 6 million for level 2 and the rest level 3 and 4. I don’t differentiate 3 and 4 because there doesn’t seem to be a squat a difference to what you are supposed to do. It’s the same, they just classify it differently where level 3 is focused on e-commerce and level 4 is more on traditional transactions.

For service provider, it’s simpler. Level 1 is above 300,000 volume of card transactions and level 2 is below. There is no other levels for Service Providers. There is also only SAQ D available for Service Providers so you don’t need to think so much.

The next round, we will explore deeper into how do we get our scoping questions sorted out.


PCI-DSS Landscape in Malaysia


2014; this was the year where PCI DSS really took off for many companies and organisations in Malaysia. More and more banks have pushed their merchants to be compliant and certified with PCI DSS.  While a few merchants require Level 1 certification or Level 2 validation, a bulk of them will fall under Level 3 and Level 4 Merchants. That means a lot of ASV scans, and a lot of Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) Advisory. I was asked this question: why are these banks, who are traditionally so dormant and make corporate decisions slower than a crippled sloth, half blind and halfway to the grave, now have suddenly become so actively engaged in PCI DSS? Perhaps this is due to the pressure they get from the card brands – especially VISA and MasterCard.

After what happened to the infamous Target retailer during the 2013 – 2014 and other high profile hacks, card brands are now in caution mode and have become more stringent to entities connecting to them. This, in line with the new PCI-DSS V3.1 means that controls are more stringent and auditees are more frustrated. Like everything in PCI – it’s a top down domino effect – VISA insists on banks being certified – banks claim that they cannot be certified but they are in the process, and they in turn insist their third party processors or merchants be compliant. I call this ‘passing the buck’ philosophy. It’s an open secret that no banks in Malaysia are certified. They will claim they are compliant, the same way my 25 year old refrigerator is compliant to green and environmental friendly regulations. It’s not.

Because banks push this compliance downstream, this “passing the buck” effect has caused many entities to start actively looking in every direction to be certified or compliant because they don’t want to lose connection with the bank. Is it fair? As one of our merchant client bluntly puts it: “It’s like being blamed by tobacco companies for polluting the planet with our smoking.” While drawing in a long drag on his Marlboro Lights and looking wistfully into space.

Should banks be certified? Of course.

However, for them to get certified in a specified period of time is difficult due to their ever changing business nature and an overly large scope of systems, people and processes under PCI requirements. Therefore they will need more time to remediate all the gaps and guess what – one of gaps would invariably be getting their third parties (like my client with his Marlboro Lights) certified.

At the end, the service providers and merchants and payment gateways are forced to be more aware that PCI is needed for them to ensure the continuity of their business especially if it involves VISA and MasterCard. So why aren’t they getting certified?

The answer lies in the implementation cost. Smaller to medium merchants, emerging payment gateways who have limited funds, limited clients – they might consider that the cost of them to pay for any breach is lower compared to certification. For example the need for an IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection/Prevention System), the need for a system logging server, the need to perform daily log review and review reports.  All of these require either additional effort or cost in terms of time, human resource or investment to acquire new devices.

With problems, there will always be solutions. We are keenly aware not all clients can afford the expensive solutions such as having separate devices for IDS, FIM (File Integrity Monitoring), syslog and etc. Or to build a Security Operation Center ground up. We have crafted out different solutions to serve our customer’s needs, from providing an all in one system for compliance to even having them outsource their compliance headache to us. Yes, we love to transfer headaches from clients to ourselves. We call our solution PCI Panadol. Just kidding, but it’s a great name.

Our solution starts with this question: How do we get you compliant with the least effort, least time and least money possible – and to maintain compliance with these 3 LEASTS (effort, time, money)?

Overall, awareness of PCI DSS has grown a lot in Malaysia. PKF Avant Edge does monthly PCI Awareness training (HRDF Claimable) and we have served large clients through such training.  As for implementation, it is just as important to know what is UNNECESSARY for PCI than what is necessary. It starts with the scope. Start right, and you might just cross the other side of certification and celebrate with a party. Start wrong, and you are looking at a very, very, very long journey with very little happiness in it.

For PCI scoping or advisory on how we can help you in your PCI-DSS journey, drop us an email at avantedge@pkfmalaysia.com or contact us at +603 6203 1888.

by Wafiy Karim, PCI Consultant.

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