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PKF is hiring!

We’re looking for Information Security professionals and project managers.

I once asked a guy I was interviewing: what do you want to be in 5 years? He began to talk about being in strategic management etc, basically things that they have been taught to say in an interview.

I stopped him and said, “You know, to be honest, if I were you, I’d just say, “I want to be married in 5 years.””

We are constantly being fed what we need to say in interviews, which is basically what interviewers want to hear. I am a great proponent of the one interview philosophy: Everyone is selling. The interviewee is selling him/herself so they can get a bigger pay package. The interviewer is selling the company so that it looks like a Fortune 500 company when in reality they sell beanbags in flea markets.

So here’s the new deal: Let’s just be honest and put everything on the table and let’s see how it works out, shall we?

If anyone’s interested in seeing what’s life like in our company, give me an email at We hope to surprise your expectations.

MPSB is PCI-DSS Certified!

What started out as a simple enquiry in 2012 turned into a full fledged PCI-DSS Level 1 project for Manage Pay Services Berhad (MPSB), one of our success stories in PCI-DSS compliance. MPSB was one of our first client together, and while the follow ups and clarifications took some time, we once again demonstrated the value of client relationship and customer closeness that sets our service apart. With PKF, and working with the QSA vendor Control Case, we are just a call, just a drive away. With additional value added services like update talks, training, technical services and consultancy, we definitely gave MPSB more than they bargained for. It was precisely this working relationship between MPSB, our local team of PCI consultants and the QSAs from India that made this project a resounding success. It was indeed with great pride that in 2014, less than a year from our gap assessment, that we can say: it was a great journey, and now it continues on through maintenance and yearly review.

PCI-DSS can be an extremely arduous project, as it touches major parts of the business and is oftentimes more than 5 – 6 months. Due to this, we have specialised Project Management Professionals (PMP) doing PCI based projects for banks and large enterprises. For more details, drop us an email at We will contact you immediately and set you up on your compliance journey.

Sunway ITSSC is ISO27001 certified

Sunway Logo

Congratulations Sunway for being ISMS certified!

The certification link is here.

When we were approached in 2011 to first broach the subject on making Sunway ITSSC ISO27001 (ISMS) certified, it was a daunting task ahead. They had many groups, with a potentially large and challenging scope. Through teamwork and persistence, PKF and Sunway started work in 2012, and in less than a year, they were certified in 2013. Without the amazing tenacity of their employees, it would not have happened, and it was certainly a joy and privilege to be able to be the ISMS consultants during the implementation and gap assessment stage of the project. This is a testimony that with grit and hardwork, along with an unwavering focus on the objectives, nothing is impossible.

PKF offers a catalogue of services for your ISMS needs. We have done gap assessments, implementation advisory, risk management services and even served as independent internal auditors to fulfill the ISMS requirements. Contact us at for more information on how we can help you achieve your ISMS goals.

It was indeed an amazing experience working with such a motivated team from Sunway. Of course, the celebratory dinner and karaoke session was pretty fun too!


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