Category: IT Compliance (Page 1 of 17)

A Brief History of SOC and SAS

Taking a bit of break from PCI articles, I want to touch a little bit on SOC or what we know as Service Organization Controls. Well, its actually now called System and Organization Controls but its really just a habit that’s hard to break as I keep calling it by its old name.

We’re getting asked more and more about SOC and I think it’s probably a good time to have a detailed series on this particular set of engagements. This one gets a menu of selections and although not as crazy as PCI-DSS, which resembles the local mixed rice shop with all its choices, SOC does come in a fair bit of flavor that you need to get used to.

Firstly, lets talk history.

Usually when discussing about SOC, we usually will go back to the 1990s where SAS (Statement of Auditing Standards) 70 was born. Perhaps we need to go a bit further back in time, just for nerd values.

The history of SOC Attestation begins in the 1970s with the rise of computer-based accounting systems. Yes, 1970s. Here is the VisiCalc, the great grand father of Excel. Absolutely adore the fonts and colors. I wish computer graphics were like this forever.

So for useless information, I always wondered if there was a SAS 70, there has to be an SAS 1. And it turned out there was! Back in 1972, but it did not really mention much about computers as back then, everything was likely still running on steam engines and horses with buggies. Oh wait, no that’s 1872. But still 1972 in computer terms would be considered as the stoneage. The immortal words of SAS 1 birthed the requirements we have today:

Since the definition and related basic concepts of accounting control are expressed in terms of objectives, they are independent of the method of data processing used; consequently, they apply equally to manual, mechanical, and electronic data processing systems. However, the organization and procedures required to accomplish those objectives may be influenced by the method of data processing used.

Section 320.33 of SAS No. 1

So back in the days, it wasn’t cool to say computers. You strut around campus with a cigar talking about Electronic Data Processing. That’s equivalent today to people discussing Quantum Physics.

As it turned out, the mention of controls for EDP (which is what SOC is all about) was spelled out even further in SAS 3, published in December 1974.

Because the method of data processing used may influence the organization and procedures employed by an entity to accomplish the objectives of accounting control, it may also influence the procedures employed by an auditor in his study and evaluation of accounting control to determine the nature, timing, and extent of audit procedures to be applied in his examination of financial statement.


In fact, SAS 3 is a fascinating bed time read that’s probably the first document to actually list down standards of auditing and controls that we still use today. Segregation of Functions. Execution and recording of transactions. Access to Assets. Reconciliation. Review of Systems. Testing of Compliance. Program change management.

In SAS 3, there is also a statement that will be borne throughout its successors and posterity:

The auditor may conclude that there are weaknesses in accounting control procedures in the EDP portions of the application or applications sufficient to preclude his reliance on such procedures. In that event, he would discontinue his review of those EDP accounting control procedures and forgo performing compliance tests related to those procedures; he would not be able to rely on those EDP accounting control procedures.

SAS 3 Section 26.b

This word, “rely” or “reliant” comes up quite a lot even today and we will be exploring it throughout this SOC series.

But we do need to move on, as much as I love digging up technology fossils, not everyone appreciate an occasional nerd out like we do. Right…so as businesses increasingly relied on these systems, there grew a need to ensure their reliability and security. This led to the development of early computer auditing standards. Back in those days, it wasn’t just the accountants getting a bit huffy over EDPs and what not, the U.S. National Bureau of Standards decided that AICPA shouldn’t be the only one weighing on these EDPs and they issued Publication 38 called “Guidelines for Documentation of Computer Programs and Automated Data Systems.”, an absolute page turner, written with beautiful typewriter font and printed in a gorgeously time-yellowed pages.

Focusing back on the venerable SAS standards, other publications – 48, 55, 60 in the 1980s threw their names into the hat to address the need to control service organizations. They talk and dabble about information technology and controls, communications, internal audit and all that, but they never really fit the bill until the greatest of all arrive: SAS 70, in 1992.

Listen, when I started out the consulting business in 2010, there were still residues of SAS 70 being talked about. This is how omnipotent this standard is when it came to stamping its mark in standards landscape. It’s worth noting that alongside these auditing standards, the information security field was developing its own frameworks and best practices during this period and we can talk about PCI, about ISO, about Webtrust etc another time. However, SAS 70 was particularly significant in bridging the gap between traditional financial auditing and the assessment of IT controls in service organizations. It was like a magical bridge between the number guys dressed in suits in windowless offices and the guy in T-shirt with beard sitting at the basement in front of his Unix.

Aside from its now famous use of the word “Service Organizations”, SAS70 provided guidance for auditing the controls of a service organization. It defined two types of reports:

Type I: Described the service organization’s controls at a specific point in time. Type II: Included the description of controls and tested their operating effectiveness over a minimum six-month period.

So essentially even back then there is already a requirement for a type II to be six months at minimum. In their words “Testing should be applied to controls in effect throughout the period covered by the report. To be useful to user auditors, the report should ordinarily cover a minimum reporting period of six months.”

The reason why SAS70 is now more well known than the rest of its predecessors or successors was because of:

Standardization: It provided a uniform approach to assessing and reporting on controls at service organizations. A lot of its sections are still being used today as guideposts for standards and auditing.

Third-party assurance: It allowed service organizations to provide assurance to their clients about their control environment through a single report, reducing redundant audits.

Relevance to IT services: As outsourcing and cloud services grew, SAS 70 became crucial for evaluating IT service providers.

Broad adoption: It was widely recognized across industries and even internationally.

SAS70 was the staple for auditing service organizations for many years after that, until like all good things, it came to an end. It’s younger, more hip replacement, called the SSAE 16 (Standards for Attestation Engagements) came in 2011. This was where the introduction of SOC1, SOC2 was done. We call it “Report Category” or “Report Kind” because we can’t call it report type because “Type” was already used, where Type 1 and Type 2 denoted the period of time and effectiveness, vs design. Like all good accountants, they simply stuck to the 1 and 2 to differentiate it, so we ended up with SOC1 Type I, SOC1 Type II, SOC2 Type I and SOC2 Type II. All very symmetrical, see.

SSAE 16 is the same as SOC 1 reports, which focused specifically on controls relevant to financial reporting. They call this “ICFR” – Internal controls for financial reporting. Two new report “kinds” also need to be noted:

  • SOC 2: Addressing controls relevant to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. (ISAE 3000 instead of ISAE 3402 or AT Section 101 instead of SSAE16)
  • SOC 3: A simplified version of SOC 2 for general public use.

Let’s not get started with SSAE’s distant international twin called International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3402, which is actually used here in Malaysia. Now again, don’t get too confused because the SSAE or the ISAE are specifically SOC1 reports, not SOC2. SOC1.

All these doesn’t actually matter much because eventually, SSAE16 was succeeded by SSAE18 in 2017 and now in 2020, SSAE21. SO essentially, to simplify, SOC1 or SOC2 reports are simply just another way of saying these are reports based on the SSAE or ISAE standards. So technically, if you want to be really pedantic, you can throw a fit when people say, I want to ‘certify’ to ‘SOC standards’! Because there is no such thing as a SOC standard and it’s not ‘certification’, it’s ‘attestation’!

But that’s another story for another article as I’ve hit my word count and surpassed it. If you want to know more about how we service our customers in SOC and don’t mind a bit of history, let us know at We’ll definitely get back to you!

The Question of QSA Conflict

An interesting conversation over coffee with a client today gave me something to mull over a little. The question brought to the table was how some assessors, while engaged in audit, brought up other services they offer like ASV, penetration testing and vulnerability scan and how this may look like a conflict of interest issue.

I will start first by proclaiming that we aren’t QSAs. We do have a myriad of certifications such as ISO and other personal certs in information security, but this article isn’t about our resume. It’s the ever important question of the role of the QSA and whether they should be providing advisory services.

Why we choose not to go the route of QSAs is for another article, but suffice to say, in the same regard we work with CBs for ISO projects, we employ the same business model for PCI or any other certification projects. We rabidly believe in the clear demarcation of those doing the audit and those doing the implementation and advisory. After all, we are in the DNAs of statutory auditors and every single customers or potential customers we have require a specific conflict check, in order to ensure independence and not provide consulting work that may jeopardize our opinions when it comes to audit. Does anyone recall Enron? Worldcom? Waste Management? Goodbye, 90 year old accounting firm.

We have worked with many QSAs in almost 14 years of doing PCI-DSS – and here, QSAs I mean by individuals as well as QSA-Cs (QSA Companies). Our group here is collectively made up of senior practitioners in information security and compliance, so we don’t have fresh graduates or juniors going about advising 20 years plus C level veterans on how to run their networks or business.

A QSA (Qualified Security Assessor) company in a nutshell is a company that is qualified by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) to perform assessments of organization against the PCI standards. Take note of the word: QUALIFIED. This becomes important because there is a very strict re-qualification program from the PCI-SSC to ensure that the quality of QSAs are maintained. Essentially, QSAs are vouched by the PCI SSC to carry out assessment tasks. Are all QSAs created equal? Probaby not as based on our experience some are probably better than others in specific aspects of PCI-DSS. Even the PCI SSC has a special group of QSAs under their Global Executive Assessor Roundtable (GEAR), which we will touch on later.

The primary function of a QSA company is to evaluate and verify an organisation’s adherence to the PCI DSS requirements. This involves a thorough examination of the organisation’s cardholder data environment (CDE) — including its security systems, network architecture, access controls, and policies — to ensure that they meet the PCI requirements.

Following the assessment, the QSA company will then prepare a Report on Compliance (RoC) and an Attestation of Compliance (AoC), which are formal documents that certify the organization’s compliance status. Please don’t get me started on the dang certificate because I will lose another year of my life with high blood pressure. These OFFICIAL documents are critical for the organization to demonstrate the company’s commitment to security to partners, customers, and regulatory bodies. The certificate, however, can be framed to be hanged on the wall of your toilet, where it rightfully belongs. Right next to the toilet paper, which has probably a slightly higher value.

Anyway, QSAs have very specific roles defined by the SSC:

– Validating and confirming Cardholder Data Environment (CDE) scope as defined by the assessed entity.
– Selecting employees, facilities, systems, and system components accurately representing the assessed environment if sampling is employed.
– Being present onsite at the assessed entity for the duration of each PCI DSS Assessment or perform remote assessment activities in accordance with applicable PCI SSC assessment guidance.
– Evaluating compensating controls, as applicable.
– Identifying and documenting items noted for improvement, as applicable.
– Evaluating customized controls and deriving testing procedures to test those controls, as applicable.
– Providing an opinion about whether the assessed entity meets PCI DSS Requirements.
– Effectively using the PCI DSS ROC Template to produce Reports on Compliance.
– Validating and attesting as to an entity’s PCI DSS compliance status.
– Maintaining documents, workpapers, and interview notes that were collected during the PCI DSS Assessment and used to validate the findings.
– Applying and maintaining independent judgement in all PCI DSS Assessment decisions.
– Conducting follow-up assessments, as needed


You can see above, there is no advisory, recommendation, consultation, implementation work listed. It’s purely assessment and audit. What we do see are more often than not, QSAs do offer other services under separate entities. This isn’t disallowed specifically, but the SSC does recommend a healthy dose of independence:

The QSA Company must have separation of duties controls in place to ensure Assessor Employees conducting or assisting with PCI SSC Assessments are independent and not subject to any conflict of interest.

QSA Qualification requirements 2023

Its hard to adjudge this point, but the one providing the audit shouldn’t be the one providing the consultation and advisory services. Some companies get around this by having a separate arm providing special consultation. Which is where we step in, as without doing any gymnastics in organizational reference, we make a clear demarcation of who does the audit and who does the consultation and advisory role.

The next time you receive any proposal, be sure to ask the pertinent question: are they also providing support and advisory? Because a good part of the project is in that, not so much of the audit. We have actually seen cases where the engaged assessor flat out refused to provide any consultative or advisory or templates or anything to assist the customer due to conflict of interest, leaving the client hanging high and dry unless they engage another consultative project with them separately. Is that the assessor’s fault? In theory, the assessor is simply abiding with the requirements for independence. On the other hand, these things should have been mentioned before the engagement, that a bulk of the PCI project would be in the remediation part and definitely guidance and consultation would be needed! It might reek of being a little disingenuous. It’s frustrating for us when we get pulled in halfway through a project and we ask, well why haven’t you query your engaged QSA on this question? Well, because they want another sum of money for their consultative works, or they keep upselling us services that we are not sure we need unless we get their advisory in. What do you think their advisory is going to say? You can see whereas on paper, it might be easy to state that independence has been established, in reality, it’s often difficult to distinguish where the audit, recommendations, advisory and services all start or end as sometimes it’s all mashed. Like potatoes.

Here’s the another official reference to this issue in FAQ #1562 (shortened)

If a QSA Employee(s) recommends, designs, develops, provides, or implements controls for an entity, it is a conflict of interest for the same QSA Employee(s) to assess that control(s) or the requirement(s) impacted by the control(s).

Another QSA Employee of the same QSA Company (or subcontracted QSA) – not involved in designing, developing, or implementing the controls – may assess the effectiveness of the control(s) and/or the requirement(s) impacted by the control(s). The QSA Company must ensure adequate, documented, and defendable separation of duties is in place within its organization to prevent independence conflicts.

FAQ #1562

Again, this is fairly clear that QSAs providing both assessment and advisory/implementation services are not incorrect in doing so, but need to ensure that proper safeguards are in place, presumably to be checked thoroughly by their requalification requirements, under section 2.2 “Independence” of the QSA requalification document. To save you time on reading, there isn’t much prescriptive way to ensure this independence, so we’re left to how the company decides on their conflict of interest policies. Our service is to ensure with confidence that the advice you receive is indeed independent and as much as we know, to benefit the customer, not the assessor. We don’t have skin in their services.

In summary, QSAs can theoretically provide services but it should come separately from the audit, so ensure you get the right understanding before starting off your PCI journey. Furthermore and more concerningly, we’ve seen QSAs refused to validate the scope provided to them, citing that this constitute ‘consulting and advisory’ and needs additional payment. This is literally the first task a QSA does in their list of responsibility, so call them out on it or call us in and let us deal with them. These charlatans shouldn’t even be QSAs in the first place if this is what they are saying.

And finally, speaking on QSAs that are worth their salt – the primary one we often work with Controlcase has been included in the PCI SSC Global Executive Assessor Roundtable 2024 (GEAR 2024).

These are nominated as an Executive Committee level advisory board comprising senior executives from PCI SSC assessor companies, that serves as a direct channel for communication between the senior leadership of payment security assessors and PCI SSC senior leadership.

In other words, if you want to know who the SSC looks to for PCI input, these are the guys. Personally, especially for complex level 1 certification, this would be the first group of QSAs I would start considering before approaching others, as these are nominated based on reputation, endeavor and commitment to the security standards — not companies that cough out money to sponsor events or conferences, or look prominent in their dazzling booths, give free gifts but is ultimately unable to deliver their projects properly to their clients.

Let us know via email to if you have any queries on PCI-DSS, especially the new version 4.0 or any other compliances such as ISO27001, NIST, RMIT etc!

Zero Trust for 2024

As we enter into the new year, lets start off with a topic that most cybersecurity denizens would have heard of and let’s clarify it a little.

Zero Trust.

It seems a good place as any, to start 2024 off with the pessimism that accompanied the end of last year – the spate of cybersecurity attacks in 2023 had given us a taste of what is to come – insurance company – check, social security – check, the app with our vaccination information – check. While breaking down the attacks is meant for another article, what we are approaching now for the coming year is not just more of the same, but much more and more advanced attacks are bound to happen.

While Zero Trust is simply a concept – one of many – to increase resistance to attacks or breach, it’s by no means a silver bullet. There is NO silver bullet to this. We are in a constant siege of information warfare and the constant need to balance the need for sharing and the need for protection. It is as they say; the safest place would be in a cave. But that’s now living, that’s surviving. If you need to go somewhere, you need to fly, you have information with the airlines. If you need to do banking, you have information with the banks. If you need to conduct your daily shopping online, you are entrusting these guys like Lazada et al the information that otherwise you may not likely provide.

So Zero Trust isn’t the fact that you conduct zero transaction, its basically a simple principle: Trust no one, Verify everything. Compare it to the more traditional “trust but verify” approach, which assumed that everything inside an organisation’s network should be trusted, even if we do have verifications of it. Here’s a breakdown of the concept, in hopefully simpler terms.

The Basic Premise: Imagine a company as a fortified castle. In the old days, once you were inside the castle walls, it was assumed you belonged there and could roam freely. At least this is based on the limited studies we have done by binge watching Game of Thrones. All historical facts of the middle ages can be verified through Game of Thrones, including the correct anatomy of a dragon.

Back to the analogy, what if an enemy disguised as a friend managed to get inside? They would potentially have access to everything. Zero Trust Architecture operates on the assumption that threats can exist both outside and inside the walls. Therefore, it verifies everyone’s identity and privileges, no matter where they are, before granting access to the castle’s resources. The 3 keys you can remember can be:

  1. Never Trust, Always Verify: Zero Trust means no implicit trust is granted to assets or user accounts based solely on their physical or network location (i.e., local area networks versus the internet) or based on asset ownership (enterprise or personally owned). Basically, we are saying, I don’t care where you are or who you are, you are not having access to this system until I can verify who you are.
  2. Least Privilege Access: Individuals or systems are given the minimum levels of access — or permissions — needed to perform their tasks. This limits the potential damage from incidents such as breaches or employee mistakes. We see this issue a lot, whereby a C level person insist on having access to everything even if he doesn’t necessarily know how to navigate a system without a mouse. When asked why, they say, well, because I am the boss. No. In Zero Trust, in fact, because you are the boss, you shouldn’t have access into a system that does not require your meddling. Get more sales and let the tech guys do their job!
  3. Micro-Segmentation: The network is broken into smaller zones to maintain separate access for separate parts of the network. If a hacker breaches one segment, they won’t have access to the entire network.

The steps you can follow to implement the concept of Zero Trust:

Identify Sensitive Data: Know where your critical data is stored and who has access to it. You can’t protect everything. Or at least not with the budget you are given, which for most IT groups, usually is slightly more than they allocate to upkeep the company’s cat. So data identification is a must-have. Find out what is the data that you most want to protect and spend your shoe-string budget to protect it!

Verify Identity Rigorously: Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) and identity verification for anyone trying to access resources, especially important resources like logging systems, firewalls, external webservers etc. This could mean something you know (password), something you have (a smartphone or token), or something you are (biometrics). It used to cost a mortgage to implement things like this but over the years, cheaper solutions which are just as good are now available.

Contextual Access: Access decisions should consider the context. For example, accessing sensitive data from a company laptop in the office might be okay, but trying to access the same data from a personal device in a coffee shop might not be. This may not be easy, because now with mobile devices, you are basically accessing top secret information via the same device that you watch the cat playing the piano. Its a nightmare for IT security – but again, this has to have discipline. If you honestly need to access the server from Starbucks , then implement key controls like MFA, VPN, layered security and from a locked-down system.

Inspect and Log Traffic: Continuously monitor and log traffic for suspicious activity. If something unusual is detected, access can be automatically restricted. SOAR and SIEM products have advanced considerably over the years and today we have many solutions that do not require you to sell a kidney to use. This is beneficial as small companies are usually targeted for attacks, especially if these smaller companies services larger companies.

At the end, it all comes down to what are the benefits to adopt this approach.

Enhanced Security: By verifying everything, Zero Trust minimizes the chances of unauthorised access, thereby enhancing overall security. Hopefully. Of course, we may still have those authorised but have malicious intent, which would be much harder to protect from.

Data Protection: Sensitive data is better protected when access is tightly controlled and monitored. This equates to less quarter given to threat players out there.

Adaptability: Zero Trust is not tied to any one technology or platform and can adapt to the changing IT environment and emerging threats.

On the downside, there are still some challenges we need to surmount:

Complexity: Implementing Zero Trust can be complex, requiring changes in technology and culture. It’s not a single product but a security strategy that might involve various tools and technologies. This is not just a technical challenge as well, but a process and cultural change that may take time to adapt to.

User Experience: If not implemented thoughtfully, Zero Trust can lead to a cumbersome user experience with repeated authentication requests and restricted access. This is a problem we see a lot, especially in finance and insurance – user experience is key – but efficiency and security are like oil and water. Eternal enemies. Vader and Skywalker. Lex and Supes. United and Liverpool. Pineapple and Pizza.

Continuous Monitoring: Zero Trust requires continuous monitoring and adjustment of security policies and systems, which can be resource-intensive. We’ve seen implementation of SIEM and SOAR products which are basically producing so many alerts and alarms that it makes no sense anymore. These all become noise and the effects of monitoring is diluted.

In summary, an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and insiders can pose as much of a threat as external attackers, Zero Trust Architecture offers a robust framework for protecting an organisation’s critical assets. It’s about making our security proactive rather than reactive and ensuring that the right people have the right access at the right times, and under the right conditions. It’s culturally difficult, especially in Malaysia, where I will have to admit, our innate trust of people and our sense of bringing up means we always almost would open the door for the guy behind us to walk in, especially if he is dressed like the boss. We hardly would turn around and ask, “Who are you?” because we are such nice people in this country.

But, adopt we must. For any organisation looking to bolster its cybersecurity posture, Zero Trust isn’t just an option; it’s becoming a necessity. In PKF we have several services and products promoting Zero Trust – contact us at and find out more. Happy New Year!

Gearing Up: How New Cybersecurity Guidelines Accelerate the Automotive Industry Security

So here you are, with your new spanking SUV that is fully EV and fully automated, with the most state of the art systems inbuilt. You get into the car, switch everything on, put in your favourite tune and head off to work. Suddenly, out of nowhere, your speakers go bonkers and suddenly says in an ominous voice, “Now I got you…” and your steering decides to turn despite your best effort to right it and the accelerator depresses despite you removing your feet off the pedal and your brakes don’t work anymore. You watch helplessly as your car flies over the embankment 120 km an hour.

Homicide by the car. Open your pod bay doors, Hal.

This seems far removed from current reality, but it might not be as far as we think.

Cyberattacks are on the rise in the traditional automotive industry in recent years, as cars become more dependent on circuits and electronics as opposed to mechanics and gaskets.

Connectivity defines the modern vehicle. With some cars containing over 100 million lines of code and processing nearly 25GB of data per hour, computerization radically reimagines mobility – enabling telematics, infotainment and autonomous drive capabilities that were unthinkable barely a decade ago. This software-ized transformation, securing IT components against cyber risks grows ever-more vital. As showcased by researchers commandeering functions like braking and steering via consumer Wi-Fi or compromised infotainment apps, hackers now have pathways into safety-critical vehicle controls. Highly automated models promise even larger attack surfaces.

In the future, mechanics will be phased out by electronic engineers to fix cars. You would go to an electronic shop instead of a mechanic shop. Say goodbye to the toothy uncle with the towel around his shoulder shaking his leg in his greasy shirt.

Bearing this in mind, the Japanese automotive industry is making serious efforts to improve cybersecurity. The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) and the Japan Auto Parts Industries Association (JAPIA) both formed cybersecurity working groups. These two collaborated in 2019 to develop the JAMA/JAPIA Cybersecurity Guidelines, and on March 31, 2022, a second version was released to help steer the industry toward a more cyber-resilient course. Spanning 156 requirements aligned to internationally recognized standards, the guidelines furnish a sector-specific blueprint for fortifying defenses.

Who Do the Guidelines Target?

Given deepening connectivity between various players, the guidelines take broad aim across the mobility ecosystem:

  • Automobile manufacturers
  • Major Tier 1 parts suppliers
  • Software and semiconductor vendors tightly integrated into products
  • Telecommunications carriers facilitating connectivity
  • Fleet operations centers managing vehicle data
  • Components manufacturers farther down supply tiers
  • Aftermarket service providers accessing internal buses
  • Dealership networks bridging manufacturers and consumers
  • Academic partners feeding talent pipelines

Essentially, any entity handling sensitive intellectual property or providing critical products/services supporting vehicle R&D, manufacturing, sales, maintenance or communications should adhere to the prescribed cyber controls. This is fairly normal, like other standards out there, sub-contractors usually take the hit, as these standards are pushed down from the top.

While the guidelines focus on securing corporate IT environments, they spotlight risks from increasing convergence of enterprise and industrial assets. As connected platforms, analytics and cloud infrastructures provide gateway for adversaries into production systems, shoring up corporate IT protection grows imperative.

Three-Year Roadmap for Enhancing Cybersecurity Posture

Given the significant dedication for properly implementing comprehensive cybersecurity management programs, requirements are divided into three priority tiers reflecting basic, intermediate and advanced measures. The purpose of this is to demonstrate the minimum necessary countermeasures that must be used regardless of company size. This division allows organizations to methodically elevate security stature over a three-year adoption roadmap:

Level 1 – Basic Security Hygiene (Mandatory):

The 35+ non-negotiable Level 1 controls target universals like access management, malware defenses, monitoring fundamentals, compliance auditing, encryption, and security training. These form basic cyber hygiene mandatory across all auto sector entities. These requirements are intended to build a chain of security and trust between companies and their business partners and are also applicable to small and medium-sized enterprises. Non automative industry might do well to also use some of these as baseline cybersecurity practices. It’s basically cybersecurity hygiene. And we all know Japan has the best hygiene in the world, right?

Level 2 – Best Practices (2 Years):

An additional 60+ intermediate requirements call out data protection expansions, enhanced monitoring/logging, vulnerability management, security testing and supply chain risk management practices. Deeper employee training and executive awareness campaigns also feature.

Firms handling sensitive IP or high transaction volumes are expected to adopt Level 1 and 2 guidelines covering both foundational and sector-specific heightened risk areas within two years.

Companies should implement these controls, especially if they meet one of the following conditions:

1. Companies handling external confidential information (technical, customer information, etc.) within the supply chain.

2. Companies with significant internal technology/information relevant to the automotive industry.

3. Companies with a reasonable size/share that could have a significant impact on the industry supply chain due to unexpected disruptions.

Level 3 – Advanced Protections (3 Years):

Finally, over 50 sophisticated measures comprise the advanced tier targeting state-of-the-art safeguards. Encryption ubiquity, advanced behavioral monitoring, automated validation testing, penetration assessments and further elevation of risk management programs defined here help drive the industry’s cybermaturity.

These practices showcase leadership, with Level 3 representing an ultimate target for manufacturers expected to benchmark sector-wide security.

Built-in Flexibility Accounts for Organization Size

The tiered model acknowledges the varying cybersecurity investment capabilities across the industry landscape. This allows smaller players an achievable Level 1 entry point before working toward the expanded Layer 2 and 3 guidelines on a timeline proportional to organizational size and risk.

Again, in comparison to standards like PCI-DSS that also adopts similar tiered approach for compliance, this makes sense, given the number of different entities affected by this standard.

Checklist Format Provides Clear Milestones for Growth

To ease adoption, requirements trace to numbered checkpoints within a detailed appendix. This enumerated format lets companies definitively benchmark postures against guidelines and methodically strengthen defenses while tracking progress.

Shared criteria similarly help suppliers demonstrate security improvements to automaker customers through consistent maturity evaluations, facilitating trust in the supply chain.

Guidance Tuned to Automotive Sector Risk Landscape

Along with staging requirements by attainability, guidelines tailor controls and concepts to risks distinct from other industries. While mapping extensively to internationally recognized standards like NIST and ISO27K, authors customized content to the sector’s specialized threats and priorities.

For example, Level 1 mandates continuous monitoring for unauthorized access or malware activity. This acknowledges the havoc potential of a breach within an interconnected web of automakers, parts suppliers and assembly lines. Different secure zones and security focuses blur the lines on whether if (or when) a breach occurs, whose problem is that, how do we track it?

The repeated emphasis on supply chain oversight, information exchange standards and third-party security likewise reflects the complex hand-offs and trust relationships fundamental to mobility ecosystem operations.

Build Cyber Resilience Across Fragmented Environments

As vehicles evolve into software-defined platforms, cyber principles growing from these Japanese guidelines can shape sector-wide baseline resilience. Automotive IT interconnectivity will only intensify, making comprehensive, unified cybersecurity strategy essential. The scenario of the killer SUV may still be well into the future, but everything starts somewhere and as the world move more into the electronic and artificial, so too our dependence on everyday technology that we take for granted.

Whether global manufacturer or tiny niche parts maker, each player shares responsibility for hardening the greater environment. Just as drivetrains integrate thousands of precision components into harmonized mechanical systems, robust digital defenses emerge from many entities working in synch.

Implementing defined building blocks now allows the industry to preemptively navigate obstacles that could imperil revolutionary mobility pursuits ahead. For those seeking secure footing in the auto sector’s cyber journey, this three-year roadmap paves a straight path forward. This isn’t just for Japanese companies, but for any company whether in Malaysia or other regions that does business with Japanese automakers. This is a clarion call to the industry that cybersecurity should be foremost in the board’s agenda. Contact us at and we will immediately get back to you. With our Japanese auditor and implementation partners, we can assist you in any way you want in navigating this standard.

Unless of course, you are in your Killer Suv. In that case, we can’t navigate that. Good luck!

An Ode to the Invalid Certificate

Once upon a time, in a not-so-faraway land of PeaCeEye, merchants, credit card transactions, online payments, payment gateways, POS terminals all lived in harmony. In this land, all citizens carry a trust symbol, held together by validation documents, called the Citizen Badge. However, PeaCeEye is now facing an existential threat. A threat shrouded in the cloak of validation, a false symbol of security and trust – called the Certificate. But, dear reader, beware! For this tale of caution and deception, and the Certificate, much like the elusive unicorn, while tangible, carries a false value – nothing more than a fabrication. A figment of imagination, conjured up by the minds of its idle creators, the Qessays.

You see, in the kingdom of PeaCeEye, there exists a council – a council of wise men and women who determine the rules and regulations that govern this realm. This council, known as the Secret Sorceror Council (SSC), has decreed that only three sacred documents hold the key to validation for the Citizen Badge – the Attestation of Compliance (AoC), the Report on Compliance (RoC), and the Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs). Yet, despite the council’s resolute stance on this matter, a mysterious fourth document continues to emerge from the shadows – the Certificate.

Ah, the Certificate, a work of art crafted by the Qessays. You see, these Qessays were charged by the council to uphold what is truthful and right, and to ensure that all Citizens of PeaCeEye are identifiable by their Citizen Badges – The AoC, Roc and/or the SAQs. However, over the years, some of these noble Qessays have turned to the darkside and the sinister art of producing corrupted documentation, called the 4th deception, or the Certificate as it is now known. These dark Qessays have mastered the art of illusion, conjuring certificates out of thin air to dazzle their customers. They’ve become modern-day alchemists, turning mere paper and ink into a symbol of validation, which, in reality, is as weightless as a feather and as useful as a chocolate teapot. Or a fork and spoon when eating Chapati. It’s a thing of beauty, destined to hang on the walls of businesses, gracing them with its shimmering falsehoods.

But why do these Qessays continue to spin their webs of deception, offering their customers a document that has no merit in the eyes of the SSC? Something that even invalid citizens to PeaCeEye can procure? To unravel this mystery, we must dive into the murky depths of human nature. For, you see, people are drawn to shiny, pretty things, much like moths to a flame. A certificate, with its elegant calligraphy and embossed seal, is a testament to the allure of appearance over substance. It is a tangible representation of validation, regardless of its actual worth.

Moreover, the Certificate serves as a placebo, a sugar pill of sorts, which instills in businesses a false sense of security. It is a talisman that they cling to, convincing themselves that they are protected from the malicious forces of the World beyond PeaCeEye – the World called Cyberattacks. And, in the process, they become blind to the fact that the true power of validation lies in the sacred trio of documents – the AoC, RoC, and SAQs.

Now, one might argue that those who peddle these invalid certificates are merely fulfilling a demand. After all, the customer is always right, and if they desire a shiny piece of paper to adorn their walls, who are we to deny them? But, as the saying goes, “With great power comes great responsibility.” And these Qessays, as the gatekeepers of the citizenship of PeaCeEye, must hold themselves to a higher standard.

By offering these overvalued and useless certificates-that even the SSC had themselves admonished and had announced to the citizens to not place any value to them- these certificates not only betray the trust of customers but also undermine the very foundation of Citizen Badge. They turn the realm of PeaCeEye into a farce, a stage where pretenders masquerade as protectors, and businesses are lulled into a false sense of security. There are even Qessays who are not even involved in the process of validating an SAQ being answered; luring their customers to portals with questionnaires answered by the citizen themselves and then conjuring these certificates that look as if it has been validated by the Qessays, but instead are just self aggrandizing papers that has been only self validated by the person answering their own questions! In other words, the person becomes their own judge and jury and are able to produce a Certificate that looks as if they have been properly validated by a third-party Qessays. Amazing art! An ostentatious object of grandeur and magnificence, yet with all the actual value of a discarded banana peel withering in the Sahara sun.

But, dear reader, do not despair, for there is hope. You see, the truth has a funny way of revealing itself, much like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm. And, as the truth about the invalidity of these Certificates spreads, businesses will begin to see through the veil of deception, and the demand for these counterfeit documents will wane. Qessays who persist in peddling these worthless certificates will find themselves exposed, their credibility crumbling like a house of cards.

In the meantime, we must not sit idly by, complacent in the face of falsehoods. Instead, we must raise our voices and spread the word, educating businesses on the true path to Citizen validation. We must sing the praises of the AoC, RoC, and SAQs, enlightening those who have been led astray by the allure of the invalid certificate. For it is only through knowledge that we can pierce the veil of deception and lay the mythical beast of the Certificate to rest.

So, let us embark on this crusade together, wielding the sword of truth and the shield of knowledge. As we march forward on this noble journey, let us remember the wise words of the SSC: “Trust, but verify.” Let us tear down the great wall of this Certificate, brick by brick, and replace it with a fortress built on the solid foundation of the council’s sacred trio of documents. And as we watch the last remnants of the Certificate crumble to dust, we will know that we have triumphed over the forces of deception.

We bid farewell to this Certificate, and to welcome a new era of transparency, security, and trust. An era where the mythical beast of the Certificate is relegated to the annals of history, and where the true power of validation is embraced, in all its glorious, council-approved forms. May the sacred trio of documents – the AoC, RoC, and SAQs – guide us on our path to a brighter, more secure future, and may the Certificate forever remain a cautionary tale of the perils of deception and the triumph of truth.*

** The above is written obviously in satire and tongue-in-cheek with absolute no journalistic value nor based on any real world reimagination and solely based on our absolute frustration at the continuous dependence and insistence from acquirers or banks to have our customers produce them ‘certificates’. In addition, some clients even go through self-service portals provided by QSAs and answer SAQ questions on their own, at the end of this process of self answering, a certificate is produced. Granted, the certificates do come with disclaimers in small prints stating that the certificate is actually based on self assessment and even admits that it isn’t recognised by the council.

But in reality, who actually reads the fine print?

In the end, anyone having gone through these ‘compliance’ portals, answering affirmative to everything would be able to procure these certificates and remarkably, some acquirers even accept them as proof of third party audit (which they are clearly NOT). Again, we are not stating that QSAs providing this service is doing anything wrong. There is nothing essentially wrong with certificates on its own, or QSAs providing these certificates as a simple means to show a company has undergone PCI-DSS compliance. But where it becomes a gray area is when there is too much dependence placed on these certificates to the point where even the AoC is rejected and acquirers insist on every company showing them these certificates. In this case, QSAs who are willing to provide so called certificates to companies without having undergone any assessment and only answering questions from the SAQ based on their own knowledge or whim – unless the QSA is willing to go through each question of each customer and validate these through evidence submission and review (the process called audit); then these creation of self signed certificates should be stopped. It’s akin to a banking website issuing a self-signed SSL cert on their own website and tell everyone to trust it. Does this happen in the world of e-commerce? No, it’s absurd. Then why is it different in the world of compliance? Why is this practice still allowed to prosper? How do we stop this practice?

We have been advocating removing certificates for years now from the PCI-DSS landscape and to have a more consistent and acceptable way to show PCI validation. Unfortunately, unlike the satirical tale above, this still eludes us. Drop us an email at if you have any ideas and comments to this!

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